Stunning Concept Art of South Africa, Burkina Faso and Lesotho

Stunning Concept Art of South Africa, Burkina Faso and Lesotho

Environmental design inspiration comes from concept artist Victor Lahlou.

So I decided to continue a little series of concepts based on my travels through Africa since 15 years.
This time, a place inspired by the Maletsunyane Falls in Lesotho, a fabulous and colourful place, where the basotho people live.

Inspired by the highest point of South Africa, the Mafadi Mountain, two Zulu travellers walking across the sky. No, no, there is not giant flying balls in South Africa, stop trying to find the location on Google Maps

A traveler, from the very south of Africa, discovers the majestic domes of Fabedougou, lost in the lands of Banfora, Burkina Faso. A territory protected by the mysterious Nufori acrobats, hide behind their panther mask.

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