Bahamian Illustrator and Animator Lamaro Smith

Bahamian Illustrator and Animator Lamaro Smith

Lamaro Smith is an illustrator and animator. His drawing skills and knowledge in software such as Adobe Photoshop, allows him to create digital artworks of a wide variety. He primarily create concept art, storyboards and custom designs. By training, he is also a 3D Generalist and a Motion Graphic Animator.

I am driven by my purpose to live a fulfilling life as a creative. I am able to maintain a balanced and centered work and personal life by ritualistically doing what I love. Spending time in nature is one of those things. Being from The Bahamas, I regularly escape to secluded beaches. I gain perspective and clarity when I’m there. Traveling the world as a creative individual is essential. New experiences fuel me. It breaks up the monotony and regiment of my life, which I found to be an inspiration-killer. Since I can take my work with me, I make it a point to regularly visit friends who live abroad or entirely new places. I love immersing my self in different cultures and creating long-lasting experiences.

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