Zahrin Khalo: Moroccan Photographer’s Intimate Diary on Feminity

Zahrin Khalo: Moroccan Photographer’s Intimate Diary on Feminity

Zahrin Kahlo recent works were exhibited at the 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair. Born in Morocco, Khalo discovered her love for photography by posting self portraits and series of photographs about women online. Her portfolio is an intimate diary of femininity, body politics and iconography from around the world. Here name, “Khalo” serves as a representation to her Mexican heritage.

I lack the power of speech. Photographs are the only way to free myself and tell my story.

Zahrin Khalo

My work is based on the double identity of a woman who has decided to no longer be the symbol of a single culture.
The photography becomes an ideal way to represent the intimate sphere of a woman , with all her ghosts , her fantasies , her complexes and with images connected to the memories and the unconscious. A photography that wants to be vulnerable with the traces and signs of the time and all its imperfections.

Zahrin Khalo

The sacred is an element in the structure of consciousness. It is within us all. The intuitive awareness and unwavering belief in this other world inter-woven with our own, this other place, the “separate reality,” or whatever it has been called, has been the fuel for the fire of almost every artist who has left his or her mark on the earth

Zahrin Khalo

Sensual and explorative in tone, Kahlo’s photographic works navigate the heterogeneity of female identity. Casting herself as the protagonist against simple backgrounds, Kahlo assumes the character of a woman disavowing assimilation with any one cultural identity. The works take on a political assertion and reject adherence to a prescribed model of femininity. Creating these photographs acts as a form of liberation for Kahlo, they are a necessary mode of representing female intimacy, replete with her unconscious, her fantasies, memories, and spectres.

1-54 Contempoarary African Art Fair

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