Jean-Louis N’cho, also known as Kpèhin, is a finance student and photography enthusiast who began pursuing art in 2014. Photography has become his channel of expression, a means to express emotions, and an escape from complex situations. He started using a phone for photography due to the high cost of digital cameras, but now sees it as a distinctive mark and a testament to creativity.
Kpèhin unaware of his continent’s history, culture, and unique peoples, befriended young Pan-Africanists in 2021. After introspection, he decided to showcase their diverse cultures through art. Kpèhin felt guided by his ancestors in every photo shoot and modification, discovering the intertwined history of his cultures. This series of photos was born, and he decided to exhibit them in their first exhibition as a tribute to his ancestors. The images have been selected from his various series.
Jean-Louis N’cho, known in the art world as Kpèhin, is an artist who masterfully blends the worlds of finance and photography. Born and raised in Côte d’Ivoire, N’cho moved to France where he has been studying finance for the last two years. Concurrently, he has been immersing himself in the world of photography, his true passion.
His journey in photography began in 2014 when it became a means of expressing emotions and a haven from life’s complexities. Despite being a finance student, N’cho’s love for capturing moments and emotions is uncontainable. He started his journey with a phone camera, a decision born out of the high costs associated with digital cameras. However, this limitation soon became a defining attribute of his work, demonstrating that creativity knows no bounds.
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