Algerian Nightscapes

Algerian Nightscapes

Night photographs of the mountainous southern Algeria region known as Assekrem by photographer Patrick Hamilton.

Assekrem is a mountainous region in the southern Algerian Sahara. It’s approximately 2 hours by car from Tamanrasset, the de facto capital and largest city in southern Algeria. I was part of a three-week trek with seven others plus a team of local Tuaregs. Assekrem represented the crux of the second half of the trip. It’s really hard to describe just how remarkable this mountain range is. It was also the first time we slept under a roof in 21 days. I got up at 4am and snuck out to get these shots. There is a monastery at the top of the mountain upon which the lodge was situated and it was there that I took these pictures. It was pretty flippin’ cold!

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